Wednesday, May 7

Looking for replacement

I am so sorry to say but I am looking for a replacement. For whom?! For me, of course!! I just can't take it anymore, I simply can't ... This monday they went out to dinner with Tracy, one of their new friends. And since Tracy had said that he is hungry, and they very well knew what this meant when it happened to her, they rushed in a cab to the restaurant. The cabbie's driving style was simply awful and this left us all feeling a bit dizzy. While I was relaxing on her lap and contemplating the nice indian food we were going to have, she got up, payed the taxi, got out of the car ... And there I was, left alone on the seat! Oh my ...I can't begin to tell you how it is to have one's self frisked by foreign hands ... YUCK ... to have all your private cards and places being scooped out and prodded at with foreign fingers ... Aww ...

I was so distraught I couldn't even speak to tell the cabbie to phone the number on the bright orange card that said "Marian" ... he's the responsible one of the lot, he'll know what to do to save me ... But noes ... The cabbie drove back to the restaurant but couldn't find her in there - this is because the picture I carry of her is one when she was fat and ugly(er) ... Poor little old me, I had to spend the night in the car, in one of those horrible areas of Singapore, a far cry from my cozy orange bedroom. It was very difficult to sleep because all my cards were in one place and obstructed my spine. Plus all the cats were meowing ... urgh ... In the morning the cabbie took me to NUS and left me there. He said it was a fair exchange that he would take all my 37 dollars for all the trouble. I was still under shock and I couldn't protest.

Two hours later, we were reunited at last! She hugged me close and re-arranged the cards, filled me with CASH. All was well again. Until last night. I went and bought three oranges and Marian placed me close to them such that I can get a whiff of the adorable orange smell. But then ... he went ahead and put the oranges in the fridge. And guess where I spent last night?!?!?!


nita said...

I think I'm slow, I had to read your entry twice to fully understand and appreciate it heh. -HEY it was rather abstract okay!
Well, I'm glad "you" got home safe in the end, and better the fridge than the microwave..? I guess.
Haha see you soon Claud for the next amazing training :D

claudia said...

yeah, the fridge is definitely better than the microwave .. at least when you're cold you can snuggle with the oranges, but when you're too hot and alone, then what?!