Monday, May 26

Wake up people!!

Finally woke up from this weekend's slumber. And although I am still depressed (just found out that I weigh sixty fucking two kg omg omg) I am carrying along. So. Got asked after comp what kind of music I like and believe it or not I couldn't answer. My last neuron that was still awake but still, dead tired, could only speak Singlish and laugh at my own jokes (which nobody else could get or understand). Been thinking the past few days how on earth I could not answer that question. So yeah man! I like music! Yay!! All kinds of music, all kinds of stuff ... Beethoven, red hot chili peppers, Bob Marley only on Sundays, Buena Vista Social club for drinks or when it's too hot outside, Starsailor when I want to be left alone, U2 most of the time, Metallica or Rammstein to wake up. I feel great for finally having settled this about myself. Amazing how sometimes you lose your identity only to find it back in foreign things you know you loved.

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