Monday, April 26


So a junior staff in the UK Foreign Office is a little bit tired and stressed after all those meetings and stuff. I can relate to that, since all this writing I have been doing in the past few weeks have left me dry as a raisin. Right now all I want to write is "Fuck it, I'm done!" in the conclusions chapter.

But this, this is truly hilarious:

THE government apologised to the Pope last night after an official paper suggested he should be asked to open an abortion clinic, bless a gay marriage and launch a Benedict-branded condom range on his state visit in September.

The document, drawn up by the Foreign Office as part of a briefing pack and sent to officials across Whitehall, also suggested Benedict XVI could demonstrate a hard line on child abuse by “sacking dodgy bishops” and launching a helpline for abused children.

The government’s papal visit team also recommended that he sing a song with the Queen for charity and apologise for the Spanish Armada. [...]

One suggsted that Pope Benedict should be persuaded to spend a night in a council flat in Bradford and “do forward rolls with children to promote healthy living.

Read it all here.

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