Friday, April 23

Will run for shoes

On Tuesday I ran all the way to Raffles City. To buy face cream. Basically, with the current lack of shopping buddies I haven't been out and about town in a veeery long time. So tuesday evening i grabbed the opportunity to shuffle my ass into town and do some girly shopping, all by myself.

All nice and dandy, except that before reaching the face cream shop I had to walk through a shoe shop. And that is where all hell started. Because not only did I go through the shop, but I actually stopped to look at some shoes.

Picture this: I am wearing black tights (and not only wearing, but overflowing them), a black tight singlet, I am sweaty (very! sweaty since the route is about 10-11 km), I stink to kingdom come but! I am trying on a series of pumps and shoes and sandals and what not. And for each of the try I must take off my running shoes, my socks, etc.

It only proceeded from bad to worse because at one point I found not one, but two pairs of shoes that I liked. It is at times like these that the presence of another human being (and I mean any other human being) that is willing to comment honestly is more than welcome. Actually, it is required. So here am I , in the middle of a glitzy shoe shop, one shoe on one leg and my running shoe in the other, picking up the phone to call Marian to beg him to come downtown. I came to my senses by the time he agreed and decided to return on Thursday, this time on a more organized manner.

I would run to Raffles, he would bring my clothes, I would change in proper attire and then! we would go shopping for shoes. Thursday all things went downhill, and as such I was so depressed (reason to come soon) that not only did I run fast, but I also bought not one, but TWO pairs of shoes (discounted, true, and required, true). Both of them were on sale and below 40 SGD so I do not feel that bad. But still ...

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