Monday, September 5


URGH!!! And shiver me timbers and ohmygodohmygodtakeitoutofhere!! While i do love all god's creatures and i usually avoid killing them, even if they are bugs, last night i was truly tested. THIS was on one of the living room walls!

I pondered, and i thought, and I didn't know what to do, and I thought some more and decided that it was most probably not poisonous. So I told it that if it does not move AT ALL I will leave it where it was.

Apparently spiders (huntsman spider, i found out today) have a really hard time understanding "AT ALL", so the thing moved. I decided that I won't be able to sleep if I know it was there and MOVING, so I decided to remove it and take it outside.

I used this as my tool, although today I found out that you can use a jar (although that jar implies that you have to get within 30cm of the thing urgh).

I opened the door and used a chair to block the screen door open. I shooed it until it got over the door and then with a quick swoosh dropped it to the floor. It started to scurry to get back in, at which point I think i might have killed it because my broom sweep was not so light and a bit desperate. I still shudder when I think about it scurrying back in. Bastard.

I spent the next minute panting from the adrenaline and afterwards inspecting the chair with a flashlight (it was night) to ensure that the thing was not hiding under the chair (seen too many horror movies). Turns out, they're harmless.


san said...


dor said...

so that was what that link was for!!!

claudia said...


Anonymous said...

be careful. there are many venomous spiders in Australia. You should have a wallpaper of them, just in case.

Anonymous said...

I hope it isnt there when I'm there.